Covid-19 Vaccine

Frequently Asked Questions

I’m anxious about my upcoming vaccine appointment. What can I expect when I arrive at the clinic?

All vaccine clinics are planned with ease of navigation and comfort in mind. When you arrive, a team member will greet you at the door. If you are nervous or have questions, please let our screeners know and you’ll be paired with someone to provide assistance.

Our Partners at Surrey Place shot this great video at the Community Clinic at the West End YMCA to give you look at what to expect when you arrive.

Which vaccine will I receive?

Pharmacies and primary care providers are giving the AstraZeneca vaccine. Vaccine clinics and pop-ups administer either Moderna or Pfizer, depending on supply. We are not able to tell you which you’ll receive in advance of your appointment.

The COVID-19 vaccines available in Ontario have been through rigorous safety checks by Health Canada. You are encouraged to accept the first vaccine you are offered. For more information about the vaccines, please click here.

Can I bring a family member, caregiver, neighbour or friend to my appointment so they can get vaccinated as well?

Only people with vaccine appointments will be vaccinated. The clinic is not able to accept walk-ins.

How do I book my second dose appointment?

When you are contacted about your first appointment, you will receive information about your second appointment for up to four months after your first. You do not need to book your second dose appointment.

Is the vaccine still effective with the new prolonged time between doses?

The Government of Ontario has extended the acceptable time between doses from up to 35 days later to up to 4 months.

This decision was made based on guidance from Canada’s National Advisory Committee on Immunization. The Committee made this recommendation based on new studies on the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine, as well as information from countries that have vaccinated more of their populations.

I’m over 18 but under 50 and live/work in a hot spot within the OHT. Where can I book my appointment?

Due to overwhelming demand and limited vaccine supply, we have paused pre-registration for adults under 50 who live or work in a hot spot postal code within the Mid-West Toronto Ontario Health Team catchment area.

I’m 50 or over and live/work in a hot spot that is outside of the Mid-West Toronto Ontario Health Team. Can I still book my appointment with you?

No, please book an appointment with the OHT/organization planning vaccinations for your hot spot postal codes.

Can I book my vaccine by phone?

Yes, to book your appointment by phone, please call the provincial information and booking line at 1-888-999-6488.

Deciding to get the vaccine

It’s important that all Ontarians make an informed decision when choosing to get the COVID-19 vaccine. We encourage you to visit our COVID-19 vaccine resource page to learn more.